Registration Information
Event Schedule
Faculty Biographies
Continuing Education
Location & Lodging

This one-day workshop is designed to provide nursing assistants with the knowledge and skills they will need to be an effective member of the restorative nursing team at their facility. This course, instructed by an experienced therapy professional, combines lecture, open discussion/Q&A, “hands-on” demonstration, and return demonstration.  At the conclusion of the course, each participant will receive a copy of their competency checklists for their personnel records.

Participants will receive an introduction to the philosophy and goals of a rehab restorative nursing program.  Participants will be offered an overview of restorative nursing programs including range of motion, splint and brace assistance, activities of daily living, transfers and bed mobility, ambulation, body mechanics, eating and safe swallowing, amputation/prosthesis care, bladder and bowel continence, communication and cognition.  For each of these programs, participants will gain hands-on experience facilitating the tasks/activities associated with the program and will be assessed for competence using return demonstration techniques.

Finally, because restorative nursing and therapy services work so closely together, triggers that might indicate a referral to therapy services for each of the programs will be reviewed.  Participants will have an opportunity to review sample documentation and referral forms needed for the program.

Who Should Attend
Nurses, Nurse Assistants, Therapists, Rehabilitation Aides, and Administrators.

Click here for a printer friendly PDF of the event.

Register Now
For questions contact:   Dawn Balder
[email protected]