CNA Training Program Frequently Asked Questions
What fees are a Nursing Home Required to cover?
A nurse aide who is employed by, or who has received an offer of employment from, a nursing home on the date on which the aide begins a nurse aide training program should not be charged for any portion of the program including any fees for textbooks, course materials, or nurse aide competency evaluations.
If a person who is not employed, or does not have an offer to be employed, as a nurse aide becomes employed by, or receives an offer of employment from, a nursing home no later than 12 months after completing a nurse aide training and competency evaluation program or competency evaluation program, the Nursing Home should reimburse the nurse aide for costs incurred in completing the program or competency evaluation on a pro rata basis during the period in which the person is employed as a nurse aide.
Where should I direct questions about offering an approved CNA training course?
You can direct questions to Linda Kellen at 515-281-4245.
Where can I find the application for the CNA Training Program?
You can find the application here.
Where do I send CNA Training Program application and application materials?
Linda Kellen, Jennifer Larson
Department of Inspections and Appeals
Lucas State Office Building – Health Facilities Division
What should I include with my CNA Training Program application?
- A signed and completed program application (State form 427-0517).
- Documentation of the work experience and education of the program coordinator and program instructors. State Rule 81.16(3)a(5)1-5.
- A course syllabus/lesson plan serves as the plan for the course and guides the student in their class preparation. Develop a syllabus/lesson plan for EACH day of class which includes the following information:
- Total hours spent in class each day (exclusive of coffee and lunch breaks). State Rule 81.16(3)a(3) requires 75 hours of training that includes 30 hours of clinical, 30 hours of classroom and 15 hours of laboratory time. Indicate what experience will occur on each day, such as class and lab time or clinical time.
- Curriculum objectives/content from the approved curriculum to be covered (Note: The textbook is not considered to be the approved curriculum). State Rule 81.16(3)e(4) & 81.16(3)b
- Textbook reading assignments.
- Quizzes.
- Clinical skills to be demonstrated.
- Other instructional materials used as a part of the course.
- Program policies and procedures that, at a minimum, include:
- Criteria for successful completion of the course. 81.16(3)a(6)
- Attendance procedures and policies.
- Policy for records to be maintained for each class and student (Maintain attendance records, course certificates, skill performance records, course syllabus, course evaluations and, if performing competency testing, testing information).
- Policy for the documentation given to students successfully completing the course. State Rule 81.16(3)e(5) (Please indicate your program approval number on course certificate once you have received program approval).
- Policy for instructor to student ratio in the clinical experience. State Rule 81.16(3)a(5)5
- Policy for how students will be informed of skills found proficient to perform. State Rule 81.16(3)e(3)
- Procedures for notifying the department of substantive changes in the program and notification of class offerings. State Rule 81.16(3)e(1)13
- Policies for program coordinator and program instructor qualifications and ongoing performance evaluation. State Rule 81.16(3)a(5)1-5
- Policy indicating when and under what circumstances untrained aides will be allowed floor assignments on days they are not in class and how proficiency in resident care skills is to be communicated to the employing facility staff. Indicate specifically what course information must be covered prior to any resident contact and prior to any floor assignments. State Rule 81.16(3)a(3) & (4) and 81.16(3)b(1)1-5
- Policies and procedures for collecting/refunding course fees from students not employed by the facility. 81.16(3)c(2)
- Policies and procedure for not charging and collecting fees from a student employed by a certified long term care facility or who has an offer of employment. Policies and procedures for repayment for course test fees for students who become employed by the facility within one year of completing the course/test. State Rule 81.16(3)c, d, e, f, g
- Policies and procedures for proctoring and administration of the nurse aide competency evaluation, when applicable. State Rule 81.16(4)d
- Procedures for notifying the nurse aide competency testing entity of students eligible to be tested.
- Policies and procedures for evaluating student performance and instructor effectiveness. 81.16(3)a(6)
- Written information given to the student that includes:
- Information on the nurse aide competency evaluation to include the components of the test (written and skills testing), option of taking the written test orally, number of opportunities to take each portion of the test, passing score, reporting of the scores to the nurse aide registry and retraining/retesting if test is failed after three attempts. State Rule 81.16(4)
- Information included on the nurse aide registry and the requirement for continued employment and registration of founded abuse allegations. State Rule 81.16(5) Information on the program’s attendance and successful completion criteria.
- Description of course content and expected objectives and performance standards
What Curriculum is approved by DIAL for a CNA Training Program?
Nursing Assistant. 2021. Mosby's Textbook. 10th Edition
Nursing Assisting Foundation in Caregiving. 6th Edition. Hartman
Nursing Assisting. The Basics. 6th Edition. Hartman
Nursing Assisting. Long Term Care. 5th Edition. Hartman
AHCA (America Health Care Association). Nursing Assisting. 2017. 7th Edition